"Where tradition meets innovation, one semitone at a time"
Chris Corrigan often plays flute with us at the Irish Heather - he rocks. Here's
his music site.
I have the pleasure of working with Marian Rose - here's her website.
Paul Gitlitz produces CDs for many of the local bands, and is a fine musician/composer as well.
Randal Bays is a great Irish fiddler and has recorded some beautiful CDs.
My friends on Sonora Island run Mothership Adventures, where you can take an amazing British Columbia kayak tour.
It's really fun to play for the Vancouver contra dances.
Here's their
website. While I'm at it,
here's the website of the Bellingham Country Dance
Here's the website for the
Vancouver Irish Ceili Society, a great venue for
Irish music and dance.
David Lynch's has maybe the best old-time music website out there -
check it out here.
The main ABC page is the place to get started with
Henrick Norbeck's ABC page is a good place to get
abc's for irish tunes.
John Chambers has an excellent
resource for finding the abc for a tune if you know
its name or a part of the name.
Check out this place
where you can submit an abc and get back
sheet music.
The Vancouver Island Music Workshop
is a good place to get started in music.
Page last updated on August 28 2023 18:42:42.